Thursday, February 23, 2012

Brother Tabernacle

I wake up and search for you,

I set ready forward to the cathedral,

I see my friend on the road,

I find you in his words.

I have been longing for you,

I watch the weary child beggar,

Who feeds his younger, the begged bread,

I saw you in his heart.

I wait to seek a blessing from you,

I look for open the gate of heaven,

But I see the feeble man’s smile ,

Bring me the bliss from you,

I stopped to search for you,

I stopped to wait for you

But I started to see you in my brothers ,

My brother you are the holy tabernacle,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I have come to know that all of my online contacts recieve notification from my blog, as soon as i post any thing.I dont know what happend .I ll check it with in twodays and try to block unnecessary notification from my blog..Sory if any one disturbed by blog notification. I am sorry......jeril

I am sorry My Lord

It’s the time of Lent. We observe abstinence from non veg, sugar and many things as the penance for our wrong doings and sins.It is good to observe...

As I sat with Lord in adoration, he has asked me that, Why do you observe lent? I had the same reply which I quoted above. But suddenly another thought came in to my mind that, I do observe abstinence for myself or to satisfy my selfish motives. I do it for, as the penance of my sins, I do it for the sturdy growth of my spiritual life, I do it for further receiving of immense anointment of Holy spirit, I do it ,to obtain different version of divine mystical experiences and I do it to enhance the gifts of Holy spirit which He instilled in me.

I thought a while and have understood that, by observing these kind of lent, I am piling sins over my head. I did it for my own sake. As a human being who has redeemed by Christ, I should give priority to Christ. I should love him sincerely because he created me, he underwent crucification and died for me.

Ok, these are all highly spiritual matters and also we can argue that a simple common man may not understand its meaning and value in his personal life and so he may not behave as Jesus desires. But it should not be so in the case of a Christian.
A Christian should be a tower of prayer. Through prayer he fills with Holy Spirit. Then he can see how marvelously Jesus intervenes in our day to day life. Even a hair cut in the saloon also Jesus arranges amazingly. This is common in a believer’s life. That makes him to love Christ from his heart.

So he should thank and love Christ. There he never looks on his spiritual growth, he never try to become a well known evangelist, he never thrives for special graces and gift from the Lord, instead he asks for pardon and mercy for his sins and grace,in order to be a truthful slave of Christ always.

Even he never thinks of eternal life but he loves Christ without expecting anything from him as gratitude for all the help and miraculous blessing, he received from Christ. This is what Jesus wishes we to develop in us...Rest of the thing is the result of this sincere love to God...

Lord Jesus You remind me that, what a grave sinner I am. I never loved you. I thought all my spiritual practices were for you and now I have realized that, I did it for me. I believed that I am good.Oh God what a, shameful creature I am..Sorry for everything and please let me love you sincerely without expecting anything from you...Help me, please because you know that I am so weak…Amen…u r jeril…..

Monday, February 20, 2012

sweet prayer

Sweet silent prayer, comfort divine,
There, O my Lord, I know You are mine;
Oh, Redeemer, there in secret with You,
Heaven comes nearer and nearer to me.

Graces showers and follow me there;
Heaven comes nearer and nearer in prayer.

Lonely secret prayer, heavenly joy,
There do Your arms, Lord, round me entwine;
Streams of love and life there flow,
Cure for all sorrow that mortal can know.

Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine
There do I feel I truly am Yours;
Heaven's doors open, Jesus is near,
Near to my soul, and the Father will hear.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Silent Prayers

......These are all the real prayer of a divine heart...

Silent Prayers…..

1. My dear God, I don’t want anything that keeps me away from you. I don’t want anything that makes me miss you. O my Lord, I am yours, only yours. Take away everything that is on my way…

2. My Love, let my eyes see only you. Let I be not mesmerized with the beauty of the world. Let my thoughts be always of you. In you I find shelter. Keep me in your shadow forever, my Lord.

3. O’ Lord! Make me a soldier of yours. Give me strength to fight against the devil. My God, guide me with your lash. Never loosen it from your hand because I am an untamed horse. Let me go only where you wish me to go. My dearest, let my heart only obey you. My master, here I am.

4. My Jesus, you are the only light to this darkened soul. My dark mind seeks you, it is in utter pain. It often cries out. O Lord, only you can quench its thirst for you. Like a child seeking its mother, like a girl seeking its lover, I seek you. Lord, have mercy on me. Please don’t abandon me in this desert.

5. My Eternal Love, make my heart inflamed with your love, with your happiness and with your peace. Let it rejoice in you. Let it find freedom in you.

6. Lord, I thank you for giving me trials, for letting me walk through the fire. Lest I wouldn’t have realized your ways. Thank you my Jesus, for revealing yourself to this wretched human being who is not even worthy to come anywhere near. I thank you Jesus for giving me a place in your heart. I love you, Jesus.

7. My Holy God, I ask you forgiveness for not trusting you, for not seeking your consent, for provoking your anger with my biggest mistakes, for displeasing you with my blasphemous thoughts, for not showing submission to your will, for resisting your actions, for not utilizing the powers you bestowed upon me with such great love, for running away from you, for not showing obedience to your will, for not showing humility, for not being faithful, for not praying, for showing disrespect, for wining and complaining for little sufferings, for all my fallacies and impurities….the list goes on and on…

8. My most Holy Trinity, reveal me your Holy will. Let it be done on me.

9. O Eternal Love, only you know the longings of my spirit. Mould it as you wish it to be. Purify me so that nothing in me shall displease you. Lord, if death is the only way to be united with you, I am ready to die this very moment. My love, when shall I see you? How long should I wait?

10. Mighty God, since you yourself have made known to me (who is nothing), I am now obliged to pray twice as much as I pray now. My God, if only I had listened to you, I wouldn’t have fallen into this darkness. Dear Lord, I was hungry for the worldly matters, and the madness in me blinded my interior eyes. Jesus, I beg your pardon and I have come back like the prodigal son. My sins are before my eyes. The very thought of it make me feel how badly I have crucified you.

11. O my sweet Jesus, give me wisdom to understand your ways, lest I may be lost. Dear lord, I often stumble in the darkness…I don’t know where to go…I often retrieve half way…fully depressed! Lord, you are my comforter…you answer even my slightest and the silliest prayers of mine. I feel it every now and then. But this poor child of yours want you always by my side…I need to hear your voice again…I need to see you…I need to touch you…always…oh lord, at all times!

12. O Eternal Truth! I love you…I adore you…Lord, you alone know the secret of the Universe….You created the stars, the planet and the earth. You control everything with your mighty power. Lord, you only know what is good and what is bad for all. Your will be done! Amen.

13. My dear Jesus, have mercy on me. I am a wretched miserable creature full of nothingness. Only you can fill my emptiness. O lord, I feel alone. Uncertainty and fear for future engulfs me every now and then. Help me O Lord…for I am weak and feeble.

14. O my living Host! You alone know the longings of my heart. Only you know my hidden secret wishes. You alone know my emotions that are often left unspoken. Only you understand my silence. My Father, you alone see my tears. Who else can hear the murmurs of this dark mind?

15. My spouse, please don’t forsake my poor heart. Make me humble in heart so that I can be in communion with you always. Sanctify me, O Lord!

16. Lord! Be with me when my heart trembles with fear, stand by me when my toils are unseen, strengthen me when I receive criticism for the hard work, show me the way when I am lost, enlighten me when I am blue with agony…

17. My Holy Father! Hear the pain of this empty womb…let me bear the fruit of wisdom.

18. O Lord, hear the anguish of my soul…

19. To you I belong, my lord!

20. Let my life be a prayer. Let me arm myself with your love so that those who come across me shall know Thee. Let Thy kindness befall whole humanity. Have mercy on us sinners…now and forever. Amen.

21. My dearest Jesus! Let me adorn myself with your Cross. Bury me in your Heart…

22. My God, I am meek and feeble. My clothes are torn and shabby. My bones are broken. My heart is gloomy. I stink of my own impurities. And I am an alien in my own home. But my Love, I will reside in this land as an alien until you raise me up.

23. My Gardener, this heavenly flower shall bloom for you, for you alone my Lord! Water me when I turn gray. Give me sunshine so that I shall grow in Your lovely garden.

24. My Creator, I am nothing but dust. With utmost reverence, I ask you my Lord, to grand me the privilege to stick on to your Holy feet. Let me find shelter there.

25. My strings are broken, my beloved... No music flows from this broken heart...only you can give me a rhythm to flow….

26. My Almighty God, I have turned my back against you many times…I never listen to your words…and here I am suffering like that prodigal son …all because of my disobedience…My Lord, my reparations and repentance shall never be enough, so big are my sins! Oh! How much I’m obliged to pray! Will my prayer ever reach my Master? I will wait for His Divine Mercy, for He is Kind.

27. Lord! Let I be inflamed with your love…let your spirit dwell in me…let my soul find delight in You…I am Yours, O my sweet Jesus…

28. Jesus…I am in utter darkness…I stumble, I don’t know where to head to…I walk aimlessly…

29. My bridegroom, give me a place at your Holy feet…I shall be your footstool…and my gaze shall always be upon Your Holy Face… until you bestow your kindness on me, I shall beg for the crump’s that fall from you ….

30. O Infinite Wisdom, every time you tested me, I let you down…I failed to understand your ways….only part of what you said has reached my soul…I am still a child of ignorance…Lord, I beg your pardon and ask you forgiveness for my sheer nonsense. Have pity on this wretched creature, O Lord….See my misery, fill my emptiness, and save this poor soul into that eternal bliss….

31. I LOVE U JESUS! And this is my prayer….

32. Jesus…I now understand how much I have displeased you when I put my heart into persons and things….O my sweet Jesus, take away everything from me. I need only You my Lord…

33. Strange are Your ways, my Love!

34. O Eternal Word, give me the cup of sorrows, in return save us sinners….

35. My Lord, I am your witness, I won’t be hungry again!

36. Holy Spirit, I know whatever You allows in my life is the best, even though outwardly it may seem unjust. Let Your Holy Will be done in me.

37. O God, You protect me from every invisible danger. You walk in front of me and clear the obstacles in my path, You walk besides me when I need a company and You walk behind me when I quarrel with You….O my sweet Jesus, great is Your love for me….i wish if I could love You one fourth of it. I know dear Lord, that You are waiting for me, to bestow your immense graces upon me.

38. Lord of Israel, I see the cup of Your wrath and mercy ready for me. I shall drink from it to the very bottom until I see You in that beautiful shore…

39. O Lord! Incline Thy ears and hear our prayers. Please come down the staircase of heaven and see the awkwardness of human life on Earth. Have mercy on us sinners…now and for ever, Amen.

40. O mighty Rock, in you I find refuge. I have only my tears to give you…

41. My dear Jesus, if you happen to pass by my house, please be kind enough to peep in through my window and see my misery….your gaze is enough to change my heart into an alter.

42. O Lord, the more I come to know You, the more I see the meaninglessness of life. Everything is meaningless without You, for its you who give meaning to everything!

43. Master, where will I shed all my sins, except at your feet? Where can I hide, except in your heart?

44. My incomprehensible Love, You were with me when I took every step in my life. You carried me on your back whenever I refused to walk …You quench my thirst with Your Holy Blood….You pleaded with me to come back when I run away from You…even when I cursed You, You shower your blessings on me….great is your love!

45. My King, I look up to you….and in You alone, I find redemption….

46. God, You are the master of all. Yet you are the most humble!

47. All my labor, all my mortifications is for your glory, my Lord. Let my lips always praise your glory….until my last breath.

48. Lord! When I enter into that dark zone (death), guide me to the Light with your angels…prepare me to face that Holy Light…for I may not be able to withstand the rays…

49. O supreme Mystic! How long will I be captivated in this strange land? My Jesus, I can’t wait to see You! My heart leaps and my soul longs to be with You…My Savior, Come and take me with You…

50. My beloved, when I hold You close to my bosom all night, I feel immense heavenly peace that all my unknown fears disappear in a split second and I fell sleep in Your arms like a newborn child …I wish if I could sleep in Your arms forever without waking up into the painful realities of the world…

Friday, February 17, 2012

Near God

‘’I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for, I, the Lord Your God, am with you wherever you go.’’ Joshua 1-9.
One of the most encouraging promises from Our God has written above. He reminds us that, he will be with us wherever we go. What it really means? It means that, a human being can always sense the presence of God, the creator, all through his life on earth. Many of us may doubt it’s possibility. I say it is possible out of my experience. I do say that, the distance between God and you is decided by you.

Here arise the question that, How can a person sense the presence of God with him?

The answer is as simple as taking a breath. If you want to sense the presence of God ,you need to stand closer to God. As we stand near to a burning fire we can sense the hot temperature. If we stand so close to the snow, we experience the chillness and get freeze. This is exactly what happens with Human being and his creator. So be close to God and realize how closer God stand to you.

What it means to be close to God?

In fact being closer to God is to love God from your heart. How can we assess the degree of our love to God? I assume, human being mostly think what they really like and prefer. If it is in the case of a person, they mostly think of an individual whom they love most or hate. If your thoughts are generally connected to God in a good sense, that itself proves that you love your God.

Once you start to love a person, one way or in other way you try to express it out. What is the most common phenomenon of the expression of love? That is ‘’ spending long time together ‘’ in sharing, consoling, encouraging, cracking jock and so on. How long they spend time together that much they become closer each other and build an emotional bond. There they start to understand each other very vividly. There is no need of further explanation on any issue. They start to sense the emotions and feelings of other heart like own heart. So they don’t feel that his companion is another person. As a result he starts to love his companion as himself. This is what exactly Jesus asked us to do.

As we start to spend time with God in prayer silently, there begins shortening of the distance between you and your God. Whoever practice a constant conversation with God will find an intimate personal bond with God and the Lord become the greatest companion in his life. As time passes the human being begins to experience the presence of God through his five senses on his own body. This is commonly attributed as mystical experiences. So many think, that mystical experiences are reserved for the canonized personals (saints and prophets).This is not so. It is common in the lives of genuine, prayer full, ardent Christ lovers. Even in this 2012 it is happening. It is as true as you are alive now.

If you have doubt, you test it, you please love God sincerely, and spend long time in prayer and then you will see the wonderful changes in your behavior, attitudes and emotions. In the next stage your body will sense various experiences. That is amazing. Even if you are not praying or not in the stage of thinking of God, still God give you his experiences on that stage too. Through these experiences He reminds you to think of him or say a hai to him. Mostly it happens when we are in our job or on duty. That means that God is with us where ever we go and he understand us. Many of a time I had God experiences when I took bath.
Your friend cannot come with you to bathroom or toilet but God can. He will be with you wherever you go….That is why God said I will be with you where ever you Go’’’’

……….Yes our Lord is living God…

So HE is your friend…What a friend in Jesus and Holy Spirit ,and the father,, I have…………..

Oh God Don’t ever go away from m e…..I know I am unworthy .Lord It hank you and I adore you for being with me always ….ur jeril .Amen…

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Everything I am

Everything I long to be

I lay it down at Your feet

Everything I am

Everything I long to be

I lay it down at Your feet

I lay it down

I lay it down

I lay it down

At Your feet

Oh pearl of greatest price

No act of sacrifice

Can match the gift of life I find within Your gaze

Oh, what a sweet exchange

I die to rise again

Lifted up from the grave into Your hands of Grace.